
Surviving isn’t easy, and without the proper gear, surviving can literally mean the difference between life or death.

But when asked, most professional survivalists will tell you that in addition to food, water and shelter, comfort is just as important.

Well nothing says comfort like the new Utili-pillow from Flag Waver Industries!

This heavy-duty burlap survival sack will help protect your vital food rations, weapons and strike anywhere matches, while simultaneously giving you the comfort of home, as only laying your head on a pillow can do.

Each Utili-pillow comes fully-stocked with some of survivalings most essential survivaling tools.

1 – can of beans

1 – flash light

5 – 9 volt batteries

1 – satchel of glass spherical projectiles

2 – tool belts with hammers and nails

100 – ultra-sensitive strike anywhere matches

1 – pack neon colored ‘final words’ communicator squares.

The Utili-pillow, a little slice of home, wherever you lay your head.

$149.99 Buy Now